Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What can we do in all this doom and gloom?

What to do when the world is falling apart with all this war and economic crisis?

  • I can help myself and my friends to learn new skills, essentially investing in their prosperity and our mutual future security.
  • I can help others with school costs, teach, and use my technical skills to make education more accessible.
  • I can participate in group discussions like this one, and help debunk myths and stop ignorance.
  • I can help out local businesses and support my local farmers.
  • I can add my voice to those who would call for holding those responsible for this crisis accountable.
  • I can vote.
  • I can read.
  • I can learn.
  • I can do.

As soon as the world realizes there is no god, no heaven, no one is right about the afterlife that no one has the goods...war will end.

Ending Faith is the most important thing our species can possibly do right now.

"imagine all the people...living for today" - John Lennon

If you are religious, please visit www.godisimaginary.com


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