Thursday, May 21, 2009

My friend is off to find a portal to the fourth dimension in the Andes.

So, my friend just stopped by and is now on his way to South America to find a portal to the fourth dimension to beseech the "White Brotherhood" of spirit beings to not unleash mother nature's menstral lava on us ignorant self centered earthlings in 2012.

Once he enters the fourth dimension, he plans on keeping in touch via telepathy, so that was nice.

I'm actually pretty sad about this. Another victim of religion / spirituality who is merely taking it to its logical conclusion. Once you start down the rabbit hole of "accepting that there is more to life than what you can see, hear, taste, touch, or scientifically prove exists", anything goes really. Billions of people believe more strongly in an imaginary place we all go to when we die than in people who live in other countries, and would see those other REAL people die before they let them insult their imaginary hope in pretend lands and beings.

Once you remove science and reason from the picture, you cant really question anything. There is no accountability, no standard by which to judge what is real and what is imagined. In church I could tell you that God told me that I should jump fully clothed into a strangers swimming pool, and you couldn't really dispute that as the Bible doesnt really address that. You could try, but without using science and reason, it would be pretty difficult without invoking a lot of mumbo jumbo yourself.

Mmmm...mumbo jumbo sounds like a delicious hot dog at this moment.

Anyway, I hope my friend discovers his sanity while he is there. Seriously. Given my past conversations with him there is less likelyhood he will find that than the portal to the fourth dimension, but I certainly am deeply saddened by his life decision to throw away a promising career as a biochemist to head into oblivion.

If anyone can offer advice as to how to address or help these kinds of people in a world totally obsessed with ignorance, spirituality and imaginary gods and monsters, please comment.

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