Monday, November 23, 2009

Canadian Border Agents can turn things away based on their own personal morality

Canadian Border Agents apparently have carte blanche to determine what is "obscene" material you are carrying and can impound it based on their own personal moral judgement. Check it out: Is the year 1935? I thought we had freedom and couldn't be oppressed by religious nutbars.

Apparently I was wrong. As I read this, if the words "sex" appear in a book, any book, any film, any thing, Canadian Border Service agents have the power to keep it. Its like having to take all your personal belongings to a church and have a priest approve them.

This is religious oppression if your agent happens to be an evangelical zealot, and you happen to have "the God Delusion" chances are they could impound it as obscene.

This entire law needs to be removed. Steven Harper's christian uptight delusional morals need to stay out of government.


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