Sunday, December 13, 2009

How Christian absurdism threatens humanity.

As its been said, teach them absurdities and you can get them to commit atrocities.  Once you get people to embrace the absurd premise that an invisible man lives in space, loves us, but sends everyone who doubts his invisible existence to eternal torment, and he needs can get them to commit atrocities or contribute to the subjegation of others or themselves as we see in poor but highly religious parts of the world.  One absurdity trumpeted by this self styled Christian web community "stormfront" is that diversity is actually bad for evolution.

Evolution has made it unmistakeably clear that diversity always wins, in every instance, without fail.  If you only ate potatoes, you would actually suffer disease and likely die from malnutrition.  Monocultured farms (growing only one crop constistently) are extremely succeptible to disease.  Inbreeding causes many hereditary problems simply due to the fact that only 1 gene pool is tapped and recycled, making the offspring vastly more likely to develop health complications and genetic defects.  When two "races" cross breed, the resulting offspring invariably gains the positive aspects that aid the survival of the parents and recessive genes are left behind.  This is patently obvious and the medical and sceintific record stands  behind it. seems to be made up of folks who accept some common absurd premises based on ignorance of science, and a common thread of "Christian faith". 

Clearly most Christians are not racist and largely embrace science and evolutionary theory, depending on how inclusive the term is used and in what context.  That said, the danger with all faith is that it encourages the "blind acceptance" of certain things that are "unquestionable".  By teaching that certain concepts and even leaders are infallible, you lose all accountability for those concepts and leaders, and ascribe them to the divine.  Since no one actually has seen or heard from the divine in a way others can independently verify, it is nearly impossible to determine whether a claim of divine inspiration is true or not.  So if I claim "god told me that I need to be racist" in spite of the fact that science demonstrates that racism is absurd, theology does not have a valid rebuttal.  Science of course does, as stated simply above, but in religious context, the belief in something that is absurd (IE a human walking on water or turning water into wine) is ascribed the term "great faith" and "super natural acceptance", implying that the more your premise disagrees with science, the greater the opportunity for faith.

So you have a group of people, the most "faithful" of which are diametrically opposed to what science would term as "intelligent behavior", and therefore are ripe for conscription by unscrupulous leaders into committing various atrocities on their behalf, such as racist violence, terrorism, suicide bombing, and in less extreme instances, rallying against postive world movements such as eco-responsibility (as evidenced by Stormfronts clear anti-environment stance by twisting the Copenhagen summit into something "sinister"), or supporting a corporately owned government that exists to prop up the wealthy and subjegate the poor.

"Get them to believe absurdities and they will commit atrocities" has been attributed to Voltaire, and in spite of the fact that Atheism by definition really implies no antagonism at all, has been viewed  by the "disciples of the absurd" who are legion, to brand us with epithets like "godless commies", "satanists" which, in their tangled web of apologetics and paranoia fueled world view, is the worst possible thing a person can be.

In summary, religious faith is clearly insanity.  It is a cancer on society that provides nourishment for negative, self destructive human behaviour and will either be the death of our species, or nearly eliminate us in its fantasy of apocalypse and rivers of blood.   It feeds on hate, poverty, ignorance and violence, and can only be eliminated within a culture that fosters education, honest debate, rational thinking, compassion, generosity and logic.


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