Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who's fault was the tragedy in Haiti?

Its the Earthquake's fault?

NO. Earthquakes are normal. They occur all the time and without them we would lack an atmosphere, water, and several other life giving aspects of our planet.  

Directly, the killer was poorly constructed buildings that were that way because of poverty. Haitians are poor for many reasons like large corporations using them for "cheap labor" without paying them a living wage that they would have to pay in developed countries.  

Why did the corporations do that?  

Because consumers reward and support the corporation for giving the lowest price so they can consume more. This tragedy was simply the result of us in the 1st world not buying fair trade, not curbing our spending, not being wise about where our money goes, and not using our powerful governments to put an end to poverty.

Haiti's tragedy is our fault. Their blood is on our hands. Us, in the first world. We have let them down. Effectively, it is third degree murder. We need to face that and change how we spend, how we vote, and how we live.

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