Tuesday, September 1, 2009

intelligent design? Hardly

Some estimates put the number of people who could benefit from corrective vision at 1 billion people. This "intelligent designer" , Josh Silver, has proposed an inexpensive way to get people the glasses they need for their lives.

Intelligent design self styled "experts" have postulated that the human eye is too complex to have evolved, and must have been designed. Well, its been a poor design that only until the last 500 years of our 50,000 or [sic]6000 year history of existence as homo sapien have we figured out a solution for this massive design flaw.

Since the intelligent design movement finds its genesis in the evangelical christian right, we can look in the bible, but find no simple instructions for such a wonderful device to correct our collective vision problems.

There are only two possible options. Either there is a creator, and he/she/it somehow messed up or intentionally made many of us with inferior vision, OR natural selection simply has some further adjustments to make over the course of our evolution.

Perhaps the "intelligent designer" chose the imperfect, inferior, extremely inefficient method of "creating" us using evolution? Hardly likely. Any intelligent designer capable of creating us with an elaborate means would also presumably be capable of blinking us into existence, which science has clearly proven did not occur.

No, the current and best explanation of our development is evolution, intelligent design is merely a weak, pathetic attempt to keep old religious superstition relevant in the age of science, reason and enlightenment. We are all better off without this religious superstition and I for one look forward to its becoming irrelevant to the vast majority of the population so we can move on, with clear vision, into our unknown future.


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